Saturday, February 7, 2009

How Dumb Can One Get?

So get this...This lady was on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire and after this aired her family and friends I'm sure are VERY proud!

Her name is Kathy Evans from Idaho...She is 32 years old and a wife and mother of 2...she got stuck on the VERY FIRST QUESTION and as if it wasn't bad enough (wait until you HEAR the question), she used all her life lines. Heres how it played out.

The question: Which of the following is the largest?

A: A Peanut
B: An Elephant
C: The Moon
D: Hey, Who you callin large?

Her response: "hmm oh boy, thats a toughie....I mean Im sure Ive heard of some of these before, but I have no idea how large they would be."...

Are you SHITTING me? It gets better...

She chooses her 50/50 and A and D are removed leaving B and C. She says "OH! it removed the ones I was leaning toward. Darn I had better phone a friend". She contacted her friend Betsy using her 2nd life line Betsy proceeded to tell her it was B...Mrs Evans then declined to take her friends advise saying "I just dont think I can trust Betsy shes not all that bright."

Who is the one that is not all that bright dear?

She then uses her 3rd and LAST life line asking the audience...and as you may guess the audience says the moon.

She STILL doesn't believe its the moon and answers an elephant.

I don't know which moon or elephant your familiar with Mrs. Evans but hopefully dad helps the children with homework.

This just leads me to pose one question...How Dumb Can One Get?

This one is EVEN better...

No commentary necessary except...How Dumb Can One Get?

Don't forget to check my Website about me...sign my guest book...Watch my videos...comment yo thang!

Thats what I talkin bout Willis!


  1. hey great blog, also liked your website and videos are FUNNY will check back soon

  2. funny mike loved the videos
