Sunday, February 1, 2009

Chain Letters

So, I signed into my AOL email today and heard that voice saying "you've got mail", I like that voice, it give me a feeling of "hey people like me." So all excited that I have mail, I look at the screen that tells me how many new messages I have. It says 103. Wow 103 new emails, people must REALLY like me. So now Im REALLY excited, I can't wait to open up my mailbox. So I do just that. After opening my mailbox I take a second to scroll down thru the 103 new messages to get an idea of who they are from and what they are about. The further I go down the list the more my excitment disipates. Out of 103 emails all but 2 of them are chain letters. The other 2 were from my mom.

"Forward this to 10 people within the next 10 minutes and a message will pop up on your screen telling you your one true love, if you do not foward it you will have a bad love life for the next 10 years." Come on are people REALLY that dumb that they think becuase you send it to 10 people your computer is going to not only realize that you have sent it to 10 people but it is then going to magically become a wizard and predict who the love of your life will be. BUT if you do not send it to atleast 10 people in 10 minutes your computer will know that too, and boy let me tell you what, you do not want to be on the recieving end of the wrath from your computer, becuase it will curse you with a bad love life for 10 years. Computers can apparently do a lot of things, it can make the love of your life call you, it can make you money, it can make you popular. But it can also give you bad luck. Boy my computer is powerful!

I have now started my own chain letter. This is what it says.

You have been hit with this bs chain letter. Send it to 10 people in the next 10 minutes and ab-so-fucking-lutely nothing will happen!

I hate chain letters and I would greatly appreciate it if you didnt send them to me and give me a false excitement that people ACTUALLY want to talk to me about something reasonable. This is a simple request. Please abide by it.

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Thats what I talkin about Willis!

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