Saturday, March 14, 2009

Another Madoff moment

MR. Madoff

I wonder if he is MAD becuase he is OFF to jail?

How to lose weight...or maybe not

Hello, my name is Mike Conners...Today ladies and gentlemen I would like to offer to you extreamly valuable information on how to lose weight...and if your desires take you to this point, build muscle. As summer is fast approaching you young men and women out there are frantic thinking "oh no, summer, pool, beach, less and less clothes, but I need to get in shape, I need to lose weight, I need to have that bikini body, I need to look chisled." Well I'm here to tell ya, its possible with my PROVEN system. (record scratch...) WHAT?!?!

I logged onto my AOL mail today and heard what I love hearing, what makes me feel so popular, that deep voice saying "You've got mail" (refer to chain letters to see just how excited I get when I hear "You've got mail")and aside from the normal banter from my mom, the "hey honey, I love you" from my wife, "your rent is due" from my landlord and the million and one chain letters (again refer to previous post "chain letters" for a more detailed explination of how PISSED OFF I get with these type of emails) there was another one that pissed me off EVEN MORE than chain letters (for those of you who are up to speed on the deep hate I have for chain letters I know its hard to believe that something could piss me off more but, it did). Someone trying to SELL me useless crap...We have all heard it, maybe you have been duped into buying one of these programs or miracle supplements that will guarantee you will lose 350 pounds of fat by tomorrow at 3:42 PM Eastern Standard Time or some such non sense.

Well suffice it to say I am ringing my BS alarm on this one (you can all feel free to ring yours too if you have one if not I would highly recommend investing in comes in handy and its a fun gift idea)...First of all if you weigh enough that you need to lose 350 pounds aint nothing gonna help you (for you english teachers out there, the incorrect grammer was on purpose for emPHsis...yes I know I did it and I already have my red pen ready to roll) except a treadmill and a set of dumb bells and MAYBE a crunch or two (strong focus on the MAYBE)...Secondly, if you think that you can lose weight and be "in the best shape of your life" by tomorrow at 3:42 PM Eastern Standard Time you should probably re-evaluate your thought process (it will be AT LEAST 3:42 PM Pacific Standard Time to lose that amount of weight).

Where is he going with this? May be a question you are asking yourselves at about this point in time. Well good question my avid blog readers/followers, if you can come up with an answer to that question, please feel free to let me know, becuase I honestly can hardly come up with an answer myself.

I guess my point is, DONT I repeat DO NOT buy any of this crap, the ONLY way you are going to get in shape is healty diet and exercise, and for this you do not need any miracle pill, miracle diet, or anything of the like. You will not lose weight over night, you will not be in the best shape of your life in a week, month maybe even a year, it takes time, it takes patience. If you want to waste your money on something, invest in a personal trainer or a nutritionalist. But eat healthy, exercise regularly and you will be hot in no time...that is if you have the potential to be hot in the first place...I mean some people no matter how much they work out just dont have the correct structure to be 'hot' fact some people i look at and just go 'eww'...but I digress...

For those of you who are saying "Mike, your an idiot" my friends are correct, I am an idiot.

Hope this blog was somewhat useful to you even though my main intent was to be sarcastic, if you found some use out of it, that is just fucking skippy! Have a good day my friends in wellness...Have a great time on your 'fit for life journey' I shall see you on the other side...

For now, be true to yourself...others and...haha who am I kidding?

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Are you ready for it? Here it comes...THATS WHAT I TALKIN BOUT WILLIS! see ya bye!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Woman upset about butt implants (rightfully so!)

Hey guys, dont really have much to say about this one...The video pretty much speaks for itself...Check out my videos...comment...subscribe...check my website and check out my YouTube page what I talkin bout Willis!